Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need my neighbours’ permission to erect an advertising sign on my property or building?
If you need to enter a neighbour’s property to access a sign for construction, operational or maintenance purposes, or if any of these actions disrupt their business, then you will need their permission.
Can I control the content of what gets displayed on an outdoor advertising sign on my property?
For example a church or school may choose to not have alcohol or gambling associated advertising displayed on a sign on their property.
Will advertising signage add any additional costs or requirements to my daily business operations?
How do I sell advertising space on my building or property?
The more you invest in a sign (i.e. assume the costs associated with design, construction, permitting, sales, flighting, maintenance) the greater your potential revenue share.
How do I manage my signage portfolio?
Unless you have the necessary capacity and expertise to manage your signage portfolio yourself this should be done in partnership with a suitably qualified management partner.
A management partner’s role is to assist in making informed and strategic decisions that are in your best interest and align with your objectives. This can be from the earliest stages of development and continue in an ongoing role. Alternatively you may wish to work with a management partner over a fixed period to build the necessary capacity and expertise to manage your signage portfolio yourself.
What legislation is applicable to signage?
Regulatory practices governing signage differ from city to city and country to country. For this reason it is important to contact your local regulatory authority (e.g. municipal signage department) for further information and assistance.
As a general rule the Planning, Environment and Roads departments of local and national government will have a vested interest in the regulation of signage.
How do I know what fair value is for an outdoor advertising sign on my property?
By comparing it to signs of a similar size at similar locations. This can be done by contacting the media companies that manage these signs and also by speaking to the landlords on whose property these signs are located.
How do I create additional revenue for my business?
By assessing all physical aspects of your business as a potential asset that can be actively managed to add value to your business. Outdoor advertising signage can be a valuable additional or secondary revenue generator for a business provided its premises or properties are suitably located
How do I know if my sign needs a permit?
Regulatory practices governing signage differ from city to city and country to country. To determine if a sign requires a permit you should consult with your local regulatory authority (e.g. municipal signage department).
If you are unsure of this process, then Second Harvest can assist you.
How do I construct a sign to promote my business?
If you’re planning on constructing a sign on your business premises then you will need to identify a suitable location that will allow for a sign of sufficient size so that it will be clearly visible to a high number of people on a daily basis.
Once this has been done you can begin the process of deciding on the sign’s size, type, design, materials, and content. This is best done in consultation with an industry professional.
Before constructing and installing a sign you should check with your local regulatory authority (e.g. municipal signage department) to see if your sign will need a permit.
What makes a good sign?
The principles of what make an effective, and therein good, sign or outdoor advertisement are reasonably straightforward but are often overlooked. As a general rule your sign’s message should resonate quickly with the audience, be clear and legible, have limited text and a strong image.
It is also important that the sign is well located, properly constructed, and that the materials used and the structure of the sign are of a good quality.
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